in the last week... i have had such a vast array of blog visitors... awesome! can't help it, i love stats. so thank you to all of you that visit... thank you to all of you that send email and send pictures and thank you for supporting me and the BuNnY MoNsTeRz! if you click on the picture you can see it full size.
the last 'secret' project i was working on was secret because i didn't want the recipient to see/hear/read/know about it.
munki went to a birthday party on saturday for her friend aria... & had previously told me that she'd like me to make a BuNnY MoNsTeR as her gift. since the birthday party was kind of a pink & black girly pirate party...
i opted to stay in the pink & black theme, and am quite happy i did.
it was a great party...full of fingernail painting... temporary tattoos (my job) and lots and lots of happy kids.
this week i will be posting some older style larger BuNnY MoNsTeRz into the shop... and then if all goes well... october 1st will see the first of the Halloween BuNnY MoNsTeRz in the shop!
well... as much as i want to post a pic of a certain BuNnY MoNsTeR, i can't...not until after tomorrow. so maybe it will be the monster monday bunny. *yay*
as for any other news... nothing major to report...
i am, however, almost done with my porcelain doll turned zombie... she started out like this...(a $2.99 goodwill purchase)
and at this point looks like this... (she still needs some more "extras")
funny thing is... she completely creeped me out as just a doll... and now, well her intentions are very clear... braaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiinz... (even my friend claire said as much) and besides, most everyone knows how i feel about zombies. ♥
today, i have been working on a secret project for a special little someone...i'll take pix and share as soon as the gift has been given...
for those of you that have wanted to get your hands on a killtaupe original painting... you are SO in luck... jason has a sale going on through the 27th... (click the pic to go grab a killtaupe original)
and remember the zombie BuNnY MoNsTeR that i posted last wednesday? well...this wednesday, i give you a pic from his new owner... here's boris...on wall street...
and looking for, perhaps...brains? the freezer...
and last but definitely not least... i took some pix of yoshi today and have to share. look at the sweet bunny girl...
and it's the beginning of a brand new week. i rather enjoy mondays, seeing them as a fresh start.
and this monday finds me... ~laying out a bunch of new fabric ~cutting out felt circles for zombie eyes ~cutting gauze strips for mummy bunnyz ~cutting frankenbunny faces out ~cutting felt fangs and rounded teeth ~doing some button sorting... (i find it amazing that i have hundreds upon hundreds of buttons and can rarely find exactly what i need) ~working on a little secret project...
and that should be a good start to the week...
my amazing friend, Lorell (whom i rave about quite often) has made me fall in love with yet another one of her creations... (well in this case, 10 of them) check out the eeriefae...
and i am working on a new project... due mostly to Lorell's monster dolls... (aka thrift store baby dolls revamped)
click on the above pic to go to Lorell's blog and see some more of her amazing Halloween decorations!
***both of the above pictures belong to Lorell***
so...have a fabulous beginning to a beautiful week...
my dear friend todd shared a new pic of his zombie BuNnY MoNsTeR, donna b. dead... you really should click on the pic to get the full story over on flickr.
thanks todd, for sharing!
todd's story has reminded me to get my halloween care packages together... can you believe that i have friends that live in such places that don't have candy corn? seriously...NO candy corn. i would have to have halloween protests! it's terrible how giddy i get as soon as i spy candy corn and pumpkins.
anywho... time to gather all those sugary yum yums... box 'em up and ship 'em out to those who go without during candy corn season...
i know the HaLLoWeEn BuNnY MoNsTeRz aren't all done yet, but i bought the cutest christmas fleece today!!! next week will find me shaping out some new itty bitty bunnyz and finishing some mummyz, some frankenbunnyz and some other surprise stuff as well...
but, life, being as it were/is... and the old computer's death... and thus far, not being able to retrieve a shred of anything from said computer, has been frustrating, to say the least. so...i am trying to get back on track and trying even more so not to dwell on everything that was lost or not yet obtained, (on the optimistic side) from the hard drive.
on to the BuNnY MoNsTeRz!
miss sally has shared a recent photo of fang... (who, by the way, was my very first etsy sale ever!)
amie has shared a recent photo of grace...
scary (vanessa's bunny) likes playing peekaboo...
and now...whilst completely non BuNnY MoNsTeRz related... though not completely un-bunny related... i can't wait for this movie!!!
and i really want to see this one as well!!! where the wild things are is a childhood staple, in my opinion...
and for now, that's gonna wrap up MoNsTeR MoNdAy... have a wonderful beginning to your week!!!
it's not quite october (breast cancer awareness month) but it's ALWAYS a good time to feel your boobies. it...and make sure you remind a friend.
in october the BCA BuNnY MoNsTeRz will be for sale again... but until then... why don't you head over to feel your boobies... and make your own boobicon...
...tellafriend tuesday is about crafty/artsy people that i want you all to visit and buy stuff from. this tuesday, i bring to you a different kind of tellafriend.
please watch that little video, it'll tug at your heart strings and make you smile.
tellafriend to adopt their next pet...please... from the humane society, local shelter, or rescue group they all have amazing animals. you could find your next best friend...
happy sunday... or bunday, whichever you prefer... yoshi is cute all day...every day...seriously... but was being especially cute all cuddled up like a baby.
have a nice rest of the weekend...
i'll try to up date the blog better this next week... school is back in session... and sewing has commenced in full... so, hopefully everything in BuNnY MoNsTeRzland will follow suit...