Friday, August 7, 2009

RIP John Hughes...

still have no real computer...
but we rented a laptop for the interim...

i am crushed about John Hughes.
i still use quotes from his movies...
and i know tons of people that do as well.

if you follow me and the BuNnY MoNsTeRz on twitter...
expect a few less tweets for a bit...
i don't sit at the computer all the time,
and via the web is the only way i can tweet right now.
i usually tweet from my blackberry...and the app
i use (ubertwitter) is still not working after the ddos attack
on twitter yesterday...
i felt so disconnected from my news and everything...
since, seriously, twitter is where i follow the news
of all sorts...and i LOVE conveniently following it
from my bberry...and since i can't right now...well,
it seems i have to check in on this rented laptop.

it's kinda crazy...
a total of 6 of my friends now, have had to buy entirely
new computers within the last 2 weeks...
and now we are to be counted amongst them.
twitter, facebook, livejournal and several other sites
were affected by the ddos attack yesterday...
and just a whole bunch of technological issues all around
seem to be the talk as of late...
hopefully next week we'll be getting a new desktop...
we'll return the rented laptop...and i have high hopes
of santa bringing me the laptop i really want.

but...there you have it...
won't be blogging so much until we get ourselves
technologically sound again...
but i'll keep you updated as well as possible...
even if it is short blog blips via my bberry...

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