but first, i have a couple of BuNnY MoNsTeRz pix
from other people.
i usually try to save these for monster monday,
but i didn't want to wait a week...
from the ever awesome sally...
who just bought another BuNnY MoNsTeR...thanks, sally!
(i think her grand total is 11?)

and from wendy...
who owns carl, spooky and gidget...
and who also just started back up on the spooky blog...

now, it's time for tellafriend tuesday...
this is the day i like to tell you about someone awesome.
this tuesday, we have...
her name is kate
and she handstitches creatures of absolute delight!
awhile back i blogged a picture of my awesome jackalope...
but here's a new shot...

and a shot of the awesome magnet she made for me
as part of my get well box full of awesome...

the amazing detail in every stitch is what i adore
about kate's creations. at any given time there are
at least 1/2 a dozen things i want from her shop.
please take some time to go check out her etsy shop
where you'll find incredible eye appealing delights of
every sort, size and shape.
*the following pictures all belong to girlsavage
and can be found in her etsy shop by clicking on the pic...

have a wonderful day!
i'm off to sew a couple of custom BuNnY MoNsTeRz
and work on some others as well...=]
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