hope you have/had an amazing halloween!
take a look at these fabulous vintage cards and picture...
i could have posted SO many more...
but loved the words and art on the 3 that i narrowed it down to.
the facts are from an interesting site that i fancy...
go check them out if you like...
* More than 1/3 of all Americans believe in ghosts, according to an AP poll conducted in 2007.
* About 27% of Americans believe that they have seen a ghost or felt the presence of one.
* One in five people believe that witchcraft and spells are real.
* According to Hallmark, about 35 million Halloween cards are sold each year. Most of these are sent from grandparent to grandchild.
* The earliest Halloween cards in the U.S. are from around 1908.
* According to U.S. census information, there are approximately 36 million potential trick or treaters between the ages of 5 and 13.
* The world’s record for the largest pumpkin was set in 2009 by Christy Harp from Ohio, with a pumpkin that weighed 1,725 pounds (roughly the same weight as a 1967 VW Beetle).
* The average American consumes 24.5 pounds of candy per year, much of it during the Halloween season.
* The fear that trick or treaters will receive candy tainted with poison, needles or razor blades is based on an urban legend, and not on fact. Researchers have been unable to verify a single case of contaminated candy that killed or made a trick or treater seriously ill.
* The fear that black cats are in danger of being sacrificed by a satanic cult on Halloween is also unfounded. Satanic cults are more frequent in fiction than in fact, and the few documented cases of abuse can be attributed to disturbed individuals, usually loners.
be safe & have a wonderfully frightful night...